Dental Implant Maintenance
Care and Maintenance of Implants (Adapted from Oral Health)
Dental implant(s) is one of the most successful procedures modern dentistry can offer today. The longevity of an implant-supported restoration depends highly on proper home care and maintenance with your dentist. Unlike a tooth that aches when there is disease, few people realize when their implant is failing because there is often very little pain associated with it. If left unchecked, bone loss can settle in and around an implant rather quickly. Procedures to rebuild lost bone can be extensive and costly. Our goal is to help you maintain your dental implant health and investment for the long term.
We use specialized instrumentation and have adapted a 7-step process for our Implant Maintenance Procedure which includes:
1. Review Medical and Dental History
2. Review Home care regimen
3. 10 point Inspection
4. Radiographic Assessment
5. Chemical and Mechanical Decontamination of Implant
6. Home Care Instructions
7. Re-assess Recall Frequency
By following a customized implant maintenance protocol, we help patients with complex implant-supported reconstructions to successfully maintain their dental health.